Tomb raider anniversary cheats on psp
Tomb raider anniversary cheats on psp

(With it having no hand it takes long for it to pull itself up.) The Conflict Boss is now only holding the edge with one hand. Your Goal is to have it charge Lara and you lock on and make it roll off the edge. Once you achieved that, enrage it once again, but this time have Lara line up with her back to the Lava Pit below. This is your opportunity to attack the stuck and to blow it off (you may have to use the right analog stick to move the lock on gage). It's hand will be stuck and he will be pounding the ground until it frees itself. While he is enraged he we charge Lara, then you want to lock on and knock it into the wall. You goal is to get the creature to either the left wall or right. Step 1: Enrage the creature by strafing left to right with Uzis, keep in mind that your on a very small platforms. If you didn't get the Uzis from the Sphinx's Head, use the Shotgun, if you didn't get that use pistols.Įssentially you have to do two steps to kill it. Uzis are still the key to the easiest success of kill it. Tomb Raider's first game had the same creature a lot harder if you didn't have the Uzis. This boss is very simple in any mode I played game in hard mode. Lightning Never Strikes Twice (30 points)Ĭompleted the Hephaestus room in Greece without being struck by lightning.Ĭollected the seals of Anubis, Horus, Isis, and Osiris without dying.Ĭompleted the central shaft in the Lost Island without dying.Īfter the Cinematic Scene revealing Natla's Identity and demise after Lara's recklessness with the Scion, Lara is knocked back onto a platform where the Final Conflict Boss Dwells.

tomb raider anniversary cheats on psp tomb raider anniversary cheats on psp

Collect all the artifacts and relics in Peru.Ĭollect all the artifacts and relics in Egypt.Ĭollect all the artifacts and relics in Greece.Ĭollect all the artifacts and relics in Lost Island.ĭefeat the Twin Centaur Bosses without dying (Greece).ĭefeat the Torso Boss without dying (Lost Island).ĭefeat Natla without dying (Lost Island).Ĭomplete the game on Medium difficulty (includes Easy Game achievement).Ĭomplete the game on Hard difficulty (includes Easy and Medium Game achievements).Ĭomplete all the Lost Island Time Trials.Ĭomplete all the Peru Super Actions without fail (first try).Ĭomplete all the Greece Super Actions without fail (first try).Ĭomplete all the Egypt Super Actions without fail (first try).Ĭomplete all the Lost Island Super Actions without fail (first try).Ĭompleted all challenges in the Croft Manor.Ĭompleted the Peru gear puzzle without dying.

Tomb raider anniversary cheats on psp